Tag Archives: 100wc

100wc week#28

I sat silently. He must truly be here, right? I thought for a second, “Hm, but where?” I then began to walk through the Magic Forest. “I must find him if it takes all night or a hundred years!” I stated. Then there he was perched up against a brittle tree. I ran too him and hugged his leg. I whispered “ I’ve finally found you my love, you can come home now.” I then pressed a lilac stone in the wooden leg. The legs began to rattle, pieces of his body parts came crashing together evolving into a handsome prince.

100 Wc: Week #18


“Here we have the family of the missing child, Timmy,” stated a news reporter. “Tell me ma’am, who do you that think would have the audacity to kidnap your child?” Timmy’s mother responded, “I don’t know! All I know was it was a serene day and My son and I were at the back yard playing patty cake. When suddenly, someone took him!” “Ma’am could you please depict how Timmy looks like?” Questioned another news reporter. “Oh of cour-” Timmy’s mom tried to respond when she was interrupted by Timmy’s brother “He’s dead.” An inkling feeling spread throughout the crowd.

100 Word Challenge- week#12

Amanda wasn’t excited to go to the beach with her friend, Ashley. She always thought Ashley was too energetic Amanda was clad in a sweater and blanket. She hated being in the sun. Ashley grimaced at Amanda’s appearance. “What are you wearing, we’re going to the beach!” Ashley stated while putting a battery in her fan. Amanda grunted and they both hurried to the beach. The sand was a mixture of white and brown. They found a spot to sit and started to set up. Amanda was a already dehydrated so she grabbed a sandwich and water bottle she packed.

100 word challenge- Week 9

The town was very busy. Amanda was walking around and exploring some makeup shops. She suddenly felt a cold presence behind her. She quickly turned around and saw nothing. She was really confused but then moved on.  Amanda saw the town light up. She was fascinated how beautiful it looked. The town began to go quieter and colder. Clad in a sweater, Amanda was warm. She saw people walking fast and disappearing in midair. A grimace crossed her face. She began to go pale. She didn’t know what to do, she froze. Suddenly everything went black. Amanda had blacked out.

100 Word Challenge- Week 7

I saw this young boy crying in the park, his eyes were really puffy, it looked like he had been crying. I walked over to him and invited him to come over my house. I only wanted to help him and become his friend. He accepted my offer and followed me. Once at the house, he explained to me in a concise and demean manner about what had happened. His parents were fighting and he couldn’t handle the excruciating words. I accidentally said something that got him mad. As the door slammed, I knew that he would never come back.

100 Word Challenge #5

News reporters were swarming around the police. They wanted questions for the dead boy found in the lake. He was found legs up out of the water. “What’s his name?” “does his family know?” “how old was he?” “How did he die?” they all asked. “We can not answer your questions, we still don’t know who he is or any information about him.” a police officer stated. The boy was 15 years old, his name was Nestle Pure Life. No one came to claim to his body. Nor, people knew how he died. Many people had created theories about his death

100 word challenge #2

One snowy night, there was a family who was infront of a blazing fireplace. They were sipping a cup of hot cocoa. Their dog, Fefe, was exploring the creaking cabin. The family was discussing how they will go to different areas: New York, San Antonio and Paris. Afterwards, Fefe was digging through the luggages near the bedroom door. She found a chew toy with a ribbon on it. While Fefe was digging through the bag, glasses got placed on her head. She walked out with her toy infront of the family. Everyone began to laugh and took photos of her.

100 Word Challenge -Week3

The swamp was still. There was no creature to be seen, near the docks. The professor began to write notes in his notebook. It was difficult for him to write anything when there was nothing in the swamp. He began to look out in the body of water. All that was heard was crickets and birds chirping happily. When suddenly, they stopped. Professor spotted a twisted purple tail, dragging behind a bush. He was intrigued by the color and ran to the bush. The creature lunged at him, it was a different type of crocodile. A new specie was discovered.